Building your company culture Posts


Culture – How to build an effective culture and maintain it in a fast-growth environment

Organisations are fast realising the value of a positive company culture: a Glassdoor...

The Architecture Leadership Forum: The Bottom Line

In Today’s changing world of technology and innovation businesses have no choice but...

Discussing diversity

Diversity and inclusion (DE&I) has shot up the priority list for many organisations,...

Unconscious bias: How to beat it

At La Fosse, we know that having a diverse workforce is a key...

CTOs Anonymous #3: Why Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

​What really motivates an engineering team to succeed? Should the CTO maketh the...

Getting the most out of mobile teams (and what that means)

​Structuring mobile development teams can be challenging: how do you ensure quick releases...

Why paying attention to your culture will drive success

La Fosse brought together thought-leaders and innovators from a broad range of sectors...

5 insights into building your company culture

It’s well documented that a positive company culture is crucial for driving business...

Mental health: Why it’s better when we talk about it

We do our best to make La Fosse a great place to work,...

The seven laws of learning

L&D is a crucial part of La Fosse’s culture, starting from day one...

Only 13% of decision-makers in Venture Capital are women…here’s what to do about it

“The tech industry can be a powerful force for good. However, there’s not...

Culture and Candour Over Breakfast: What we learnt at the Next Jump Meetup

“In most organisations, nearly everyone is doing a second job that no one...