The right tech team can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional results that align with your company’s goals. However, creating and sustaining such a team requires more than just technical expertise or attractive salaries – it demands strategic planning, continuous investment, and an understanding of the unique challenges that come with leading a tech workforce.

This article, based on one of our webinar panel discussions, provides actionable insights for tech leaders looking to build and manage a tech team that excels. Hosted by Sophie Hebdidge, Academy Director at La Fosse Academy, and expert panellists Ilona Simpson, CIO EMEA at Netskope, and Rob Bachan, Director of Product Development at TES, we delved into the essential elements of constructing a high-performing tech team; fostering innovation, inclusive culture, optimising team structure, implementing agile methodologies, and driving peak productivity.

A high-perfoming Tech team working in an office


The foundation of excellence

To lay the groundwork for a high-performing tech team, it’s essential to understand the fundamental elements that contribute to its success. Drawing insights from our experts, we can identify several key pillars:

    • Stage for success: Start by defining what success looks like for your tech team. The definition of a high-performing team can vary depending on your organisational goals and roles. Whether it’s driving innovation, improving customer satisfaction, or boosting revenue, having a clear vision of success will guide your team-building efforts. As Sophie Hebdidge emphasised: “You really need to hone in on why it is that you want high performance. Is it to drive more business ROI? Is it to make it a better place for people to work? Is it to make sure [you]’re attracting better talent? What is the real reason why? And it could be a combination of all those things I just mentioned, but if we don’t have the vision for why we need a high-performing tech team, it’s very hard to put all the other stuff in place.”
    • Measurable success: Establish clear, quantifiable metrics to gauge your team’s performance. These metrics should align with your overall business objectives and translate directly into revenue and ROI. Common metrics might include project completion rates, customer feedback, and the impact of tech initiatives on business growth. Rob Bachan underscored the importance of translating technical efforts into business outcomes: “How do we measure it; how do we measure the comments and story points to [become] value points [that] translate to physical income revenue? So, we’re actually trying to get to that level of measurement…as we transform to this horizontal, moving away from product-centric to what we call platform thinking.”
    • Continuous investment: Building a high-performing tech team is not a one-time effort. It’s an ongoing process that requires continuous investment in your team’s skills, tools, and resources. Regularly assess your team’s needs and provide opportunities for growth, such as training programmes, workshops, and access to the latest technologies. “[The] thing I think that’s really missed out is all the groundwork you need to lay to ensure that the team maintains itself as high performing. And because it’s not a tick box that you’ve reached that high-performing stage – don’t have to think about it anymore – it’s something that’s continuous and people must continually think about and work on”, says Sophie Hebdidge.
    • Talent attraction in a competitive market: In today’s competitive tech landscape, attracting top talent is a significant challenge. To stand out, develop a strong employer brand that reflects your company’s values and vision. Streamline your recruitment process and clearly communicate your expectations and opportunities to potential hires. Emphasise the long-term career prospects and the unique benefits of working with your team.Rob Bachan pointed out the intensity of this competition: “Talent is hard to get because it’s competitive, extremely competitive. So, it’s not that it’s scarce, it’s actually extremely competitive and you’re competing on salary, you’re competing on benefits, you’re competing on culture.”Ilona Simpson added valuable advice on inclusivity in job descriptions: “[Position] your job description in a way to be more inclusive and to be more balanced…sentences or bits and pieces that [you] would replace or add to the role description so that it appeals to a wider group of people.”
    • Team organisation: A high-performing tech team is diverse in both skills and working styles. Ensure that your team includes a mix of technical experts, creative thinkers, and effective communicators. Leadership roles should be filled by individuals who possess both technical prowess and the ability to manage and inspire others.Consider structuring your team to maximise collaboration and innovation. Rob Bachan emphasised the importance of technical knowledge within leadership: “I think it’s really important in the makeup of a team to have engineering leadership roles where people are technically able and can sit down with a junior QA tester and have a conversation if needed and maybe even programme if needed. A strong engineering community is important.”
    • Environment creation: Foster an inclusive atmosphere that values diversity of thought and provides equitable recognition for all team members. Be mindful of potential burnout and consider implementing hybrid working models that balance remote flexibility with face-to-face collaboration. Creating a supportive environment where team members feel valued and motivated is key to long-term success.Ilona Simpson discussed the importance of fostering communication among diverse team members: “From learning perspectives and personalities, if someone is ‘ready shoot aim’ and you have a voice at the table with more conservative people, how do I bring those two together [so] that they actually start communicating? How do we create that environment where this diversity gets listened to, gets absorbed by the team and carried forward by the team.”
    • Unified team culture: In cases where your team includes outsourced or contract workers, it’s crucial to create a sense of belonging and equal value for all members. A unified team culture promotes collaboration, trust, and a shared commitment to achieving common goals. Ilona Simpson goes on to add: “Internal people do town halls; we do all sorts of things with the employees that create additional bonding in the organisation…be mindful that if it’s a mixed team, if it’s a hybrid team, how do you compensate for that element of them kind of not belonging into still being an integral part of the team – being valued, appreciated and feeling equal?”

Identifying and recruiting top talent

A robust talent acquisition strategy is the first step in building a high-performing tech team. Here’s how to ensure you’re bringing in the right talent:

Effective technical assessment

Implement rigorous, unique, and relevant technical assessment methods to evaluate candidates’ skills and problem-solving abilities. Focus on the kinds of problems your organisation tries to solve, specifically. This can include coding challenges, pair programming interviews, and real-world scenario tests. These assessments not only help you identify top performers but also give candidates a taste of the challenges they’ll face on the job.

Employer branding

Your employer brand plays a critical role in attracting top tech professionals. Showcase your company’s culture, mission, and values through your online presence, including your website, social media, and job listings. Highlight the opportunities for career growth, the impact of your work, and the unique aspects of your company that make it an attractive place to work beyond the expected and usual ‘nice-to-haves’ – lean in on what sets your company apart.

Diverse hiring practices

Diversity is a key driver of innovation and team strength. Embrace diverse hiring practices that bring in talent from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This not only enriches your team but also enhances problem-solving and creativity, leading to better outcomes.

Fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning

Innovation and continuous learning are essential for maintaining a high-performing tech team. Here’s how to cultivate this culture:

Learning-focused environment

Create a work environment that prioritises learning and development. Encourage team members to take ownership of their growth by providing allocated learning time, access to online courses, and opportunities to attend industry conferences. Internal tech talks and knowledge-sharing sessions can also foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Diversity and inclusion (DEI)

As we covered before, embracing diversity and inclusion is more than checkboxes, it can act as a means to fuel innovation. A diverse team brings different perspectives, ideas, and problem-solving approaches, leading to more creative and effective solutions. Make DEI a core value of your team culture to enhance collaboration and drive innovation.

Mentorship programmes

Implement mentorship programmes where experienced team members can guide and support less experienced colleagues. This not only helps with skill development but also strengthens team bonds and knowledge sharing. Mentorship can be formal or informal, but its impact on team growth and cohesion is significant.

Structuring your tech team for optimal performance

The structure of your tech team plays a crucial role in its performance. Here’s how to optimise it:

Team structures

Explore different team structures, such as the squad model or matrix organisation, to find the one that best suits your organisational dynamics. Each structure has its pros and cons, so consider your company’s goals, the nature of your projects, and the level of collaboration required.

Clear roles and responsibilities

Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and career progression paths within your team. This not only helps team members understand their contributions but also provides motivation and direction for career growth. Regularly review and update these roles to adapt to changing needs.

Specialisation vs. cross-functional skills

Strike a balance between specialisation and cross-functional skills within your team. While specialists bring deep expertise, cross-functional team members can collaborate across different areas, enhancing flexibility and problem-solving. A combination of both can lead to a more agile and effective team.

Technical leadership

Strong technical leadership is essential for guiding team structure and performance. Leaders should not only have the technical knowledge to make informed decisions but also the interpersonal skills to inspire and motivate their teams.

Implementing agile methodologies for project management

Agile methodologies are widely recognised for their effectiveness in managing tech teams. Here’s how to implement them successfully:

  • Benefits of agile: Agile methodologies offer numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, faster delivery, and improved team collaboration. By breaking projects into smaller, manageable tasks, teams can respond more quickly to changes and deliver value incrementally.
  • Popular agile frameworks: Consider implementing popular agile frameworks like Scrum or Kanban, depending on your team’s needs. Scrum focuses on iterative development with set sprint cycles, while Kanban emphasises continuous workflow and visual management. Both frameworks can help streamline project management and improve efficiency.
  • Enhancing collaboration and communication: Agile methodologies thrive on collaboration and communication. Use daily stand-up meetings, retrospectives, and collaborative tools to keep everyone aligned and informed. Regular feedback loops ensure that the team can continuously improve its processes and outcomes.
  • Overcoming challenges: Agile implementation can come with challenges, such as resistance to change or difficulty in scaling. Address these challenges by providing training, setting clear expectations, and gradually integrating agile practices into your team’s workflow. Flexibility and adaptability are key to overcoming these hurdles.

Measuring and improving team productivity

To ensure your tech team is performing at its best, it’s essential to measure and improve productivity.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Use data-driven decision-making to manage your team’s productivity. Implement tools and dashboards that track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as cycle time, code quality, and deployment frequency. These metrics provide valuable insights into how well your team is performing and where improvements can be made.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs): Identify the KPIs that matter most to your team and business objectives. Common KPIs for tech teams include velocity, defect rates, and customer satisfaction. Regularly review these metrics to assess your team’s progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Productivity measurement tools: Leverage productivity measurement tools that provide real-time data on your team’s performance. Tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana can help track progress, manage tasks, and ensure that projects stay on schedule.
  • Balancing metrics and assessments: While quantitative metrics are important, don’t overlook the value of qualitative assessments. Regularly seek feedback from team members and stakeholders to gain a holistic view of your team’s performance. Balancing both quantitative and qualitative insights will give you a more accurate picture of your team’s effectiveness.

Building the best tech teams for your company

Building and managing a high-performing tech team is a continuous process that requires adaptability, strategic planning, and a commitment to fostering a culture of excellence. As the tech landscape evolves, so too must your approach to team management. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, you can create a tech team that not only meets but exceeds your company’s goals.

When it comes to finding the right tech recruitment partner, consider working with La Fosse to help you build the right talent solutions for your business. With a passion for people, a proven track record, and pride in multiple awards for tech recruitment excellence, La Fosse is well-equipped to help you build and manage a tech team that drives your business forward. Contact our team today and let’s start a conversation.